Monday, July 12, 2010

Golden Girl Betty White's Handwriting Analyzed.

Golden Girls actress and one of Hollywood's remaining "stars from sitcoms past", this Golden Girl actress has a cult-like following ... unusual for even actresses half her age. What is her secret? What is in her handwriting? View here a brief sample of her handwriting and see if you think her self-esteem is a key reason for her 5+ decades of Hollywood success.

Please Login and share your thoughts. (Free to login, free to register for an account for this section.)

Friday, June 4, 2010

The scariest handwriting I’ve ever seen!

I'm about to show you the scariest handwriting sample I've ever seen.


This example alone proves to any skeptic that personality does come through in a person's handwriting. Show it around the office today.

Take the next 8 minutes and check out the mind of a convicted criminal... and a deviant.

View the handwriting sample and listen to the audio from one of our Live Annual Conferences, where the handwriting sample was discussed in detail, this audio is extracted from the Level 301 Certification Home Study Course.

Visit here for today's eight minute lesson and leave a comment below the article:

Remember that you must register and login if you want to post a comment.

Monday, May 17, 2010

What does Kim Kardashian's Autograph Reveal?

A magazine reporter called me last week and begged me to do a quick analysis of the super famous Playboy Playmate and reality star Kim Kardashian.

For those who do not watch much reality TV, her hit show The Kardashians follows Kim and her family around drama-filled shoe shopping sprees and other nail biting experiences.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Do you have the "Go to Hell "K" in your handwriting?

The Secret Joy of Being Defiant

-by Bart Baggett

DEFIANCE – To rebel, resist, or break the rules. The rebel, the class clown, the trouble-maker, the fighter… which one are you?

Do you follow the rules or do you make your own rules? I have found one interesting personality trait in a vast majority of successful entrepreneurs: defiance. The tendency to break the rules, rebel, or defy the status quo seems to be a recurring theme in literature of heroes, superstars, and the super-successful. Dr. Thomas Stanley's research in the book The Millionaire Mind indicates that most millionaires claim one important skill helped them achieve success. That skill was to "Think differently from the crowd."

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Time Square's Terrorist Handwriting Revealed - Faisal Shahzad

“He may be smiling in photos, but his signature is all rage.
Faisal Shahzad’s handwriting on a 2004 condo sale agreement unmasks him as a hostile, self-destructive, arrogant man, an expert said Wednesday.”

“”He’s angry at everybody and he’s lashing out at the world”, says expert Bart Baggett, a forensic document examiner and author of Handwriting Analysis 101.

Baggett identified three “ticks” – tiny marks where the pen has dragged – that indicate aggression and hatred: at the top of the F, the bottom of the S and the end of the L in Faisal. The one on the F is particularly telling because Shahzad’s handwriting has large “upper zones” that suggest an interest in philosophical ideals, religion and analysis, Baggett said.

Shahzad also signed only his first name, indicating pride. The excessive pen pressure he used shows determination, Baggett said.

And that bizarre curlicue over his “i”?
“It shows a desire to be different and not wanting to conform”, Baggett said.

Click the link below to read the full article:

Get your handwriting analyzed for free at

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

5 Hell Traits Found in Handwriting

Five of the 9 hell traits found in handwriting in this story are lying, low self-esteem, dual personality, paranoia and anger at opposite sex (attracted to a challenge… loves that chase!).

Handwriting analysis is the easy way to avoid those terrible personality traits you never want to discover your lover has! These easy-to-spot traits are found quickly in a short sample of handwriting. So, grab a friend's handwriting, and compare to the writing below.

If you match more than 3 out of 5... you're in for HELL.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Handwriting Analysis Interview: Jennifer M.

Below is the latest video interview for the Handwriting University Membership site. This video is not for public viewing, only registered members and newsletter readers. Please leave your comments below the video so future members and readers can take away some bits of knowledge from viewing it.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Analyze this handwriting sample, Jennifer M.

Can you judge a book by its cover? Today's handwriting sample is feminine, attractive, and contains lots of loops and high-endings.

What does it all mean? Is she sensual, high-maintenance, kind-hearted?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Introversion and other dysfunctional emotions..

The main function of emotional expressiveness is how someone processes their feelings. The main clue or indicating factor is the size of the handwriting & the slant.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Belief Game

What do Bart Baggett and Bart Simpson have in common? It's more than just the
name. Both boys were identified as gifted thinkers in 3rd grade and you won't believe
how it happened! Check out today's video for the truth... You're about to find out.
how important belief systems are to a person's success.

First look over "The Belief Game" below, taken from the Success Secrets of the 
Rich and Happy Seminar, and draw a line matching the Core Belief at Childhood 
on the left to the most likely Resulting Identity as an Adult on the right.
Then watch the video from Bart's Success Secrets of the  Rich and Happy Seminar 
filmed live in Bangalore, India.....and find out why Bart's thinks he is a GENIUS!
Click the link below to read the full article:

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Analysis of David Headley’s handwriting

People worldwide watched in horror as the Taj Hotel in Mumbai, India came under attack from a group of terrorist.  Most of my readers did not realize I had been in the same hotel years before, enjoying a pleasant dinner with the Chief of Police in Mumbai.

Is there a particular handwriting trait which reveals a terrorist?

Clearly, the strongest correlation between acts of destruction and evil is a person's "Belief System"... which is not always betrayed by his handwriting.

Today's article is written by a very popular Mumbai based writer and handwriting analyst, Vishwas Heathcliff.  You are encouraged to read his other articles, posted in the international article section on the Handwriting University Blog.

Click the link below to read the full article:

Casey Anthony’s Handwriting Revealed? Did she murder Caylee?

For those of you who have been following the Casey Anthony case, you will already know a few of the facts, but for those who have missed the news over the past two years, I suggest reading the Wikipedia page about Caylee Anthony (
Click here or the link below to read the full article:

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pick the right person for the job - Analyze their handwriting!

One of the best uses I can think of for Handwriting Analysis is hiring and selection! If you’re like me, you want to avoid problems with employees, tenants, baby sitters, even spouses. In this video segment I’ll show you how to find out if someone is right for the job with just a few simple questions.

Helping someone choose the right person can be a very lucrative career for any handwriting analyst…some experts charge anywhere from $100 to $500 dollars an hour consultation…but you have to be accurate and to do that you need to understand what what personality traits contribute to an employees success in the position they are applying for.

The best approach is to ask the employer, what personality traits do they want this person to have and what personality traits do they want to avoid in an employee.

What personality traits would you want for an accountant, a teacher, a salesman, a manager?
Watch this segment taken from the Handwriting Analysis Certification Course…where I role play the handwriting expert hired to consult with Curt Baggett as the hiring employer.

Watch the video and read the full article here:

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Thinking Patterns and Intelligence

One of the most common reasons why people want to use handwriting analysis in their life, is they want to know how intelligent somebody is, how ethical they are and they want to know how compatible they would be in a romantic or business situation.

Here are some personality traits that you can know about a person by simply analyzing their handwriting.

A cumulative thinker is procedural and slow. They take their time. They analyze things and want all the facts before making a decision. Cumulative thinkers can be a very valuable and thorough asset. They have round m's and n's which form smooth letters. A comprehensive thinker has sharp, pointy m's and n's. They are fast thinkers and fast talkers. They don't always analyze things deeply or have an eye for detail. They will make a fast decision.

To read the full article and listen to the audio clip, see the link below:

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Handwriting Analysis Interview: Elizabeth C.

This is a follow up newsletter from yesterday, you should have already analyzed the handwriting sample shown in the first newsletter located here. Once you have done so, you can watch the video interview of the person who wrote the handwriting sample by clicking the link below.

In the full article, located here is the latest video interview for the Handwriting University Membership site. This video is not for public viewing, only registered members and newsletter readers.

To gain more from this video interview, make sure you download and print out the actual handwriting from the PDF file and do a full personality profile, before you look at the video. Otherwise, it will be like looking at the answers to the crossword puzzle, before you attempt the puzzle. You will learn MUCH more if you analyze the handwriting, make a comment below… then view the video.

See the full article here:

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Analyze This Handwriting Sample: Elizabeth C.

Can you judge a book by its cover? Today’s handwriting sample is feminine, attractive, and contains lots of loops and high-endings.

What does it all mean? Is she sensual, high-maintenance, kind-hearted?

You will learn more if you approach these videos in two steps.

1. Download and analyze the handwriting on your own, before you watch the video or learn anything about the person. This is the true test of how accurate you are using your handwriting analysis skills.

Answer these questions in writing and post them at the bottom of the article.
  • What is her biggest fear?
  • Is she well traveled?
  • Is she an intelligent woman?
  • Does she have social intelligence?
  • Is she a worrier?
  • Is her sex drive stronger than normal?
  • Is she adventurous?
  • What role did religion play in the formation of her character?
  • Do you think she’s successful?
2. Wait until we release the 2 part video interview tomorrow, with the person who wrote the handwriting sample from today. Voila! The person’s character comes to life in breathing flesh and blood.

So, the full video on today’s volunteer will be released to our members tomorrow. Check back here, in the weekly newsletter section, for the full 2 part video series. But, before you do, analyze his handwriting using your skills. I suggest printing his handwriting out and use a blue or red pen to draw arrows and trait names.

See the full article here:

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Art of the Metaphor

3 Easy Ways to Say Any Negative Handwriting Trait

Do you like the movies? Who doesn’t…because we can relate to them.

In this video segment Bart Baggett shows you how to give a compelling and
more accurate verbal analysis by using the technique of painting pictures
with metaphors when you analyze someone’s handwriting!

It’s a great way to get your audience to visualize the trait in their own
mind, triggering a memory or feeling that they can readily relate too. This
will guarantee you greater success in getting a positive response confirming
your analysis is correct!

Watch this segment from the Handwriting Analysis Certification Course as
Bart breaks it down for you…and explains the process, step-by-step, so you
can begin painting pictures for a more exciting and successful verbal

Watch the video and read the full article by clicking the link below:

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Are you shy or scared? Shyness: The Handwriting Trait of the Week


Shyness: Trait of the Week

Written by Bart Baggett with Contributions by Guest Author and

Are you diplomatic, shy, self-conscious or just scared of people?

While studying for Handwriting Analysis Certification, I did a written analysis for a young woman at work. After reading it she declared, "This is so me, how can you come up with all this?"

I told her that I look for handwriting traits that are known to relate to particular personality characteristics. In learning these traits it helps to understand how the mind forms them and reveals them in our writing. An easily understood trait is the height of the t-bar and it's relation to self-esteem or self-confidence.

The height at which the t-bar crosses the t-stem is a measure of the degree of self esteem we have for ourselves. The higher the t-bar the more we like ourselves, and generally we will do better in life than someone with a low self-esteem. The lower the t-bar, the lower our self image and the more likely we will live with, and stay in, unhappy or unhealthy situations. The person with a low t-bar has a fear of change.

Why risk change if you think you can't do better? Okay, these traits are pretty clear, aren't they? The height of the t-bar correlates to the level of self-esteem.

Others are not so obvious. You'll find two traits shown in the m's and n's which may seem unrelated: remember, opposite strokes do not always mean opposite personality traits. (Low t-bars vs. high t-bars have opposite meanings in relation to self-esteem. However, the opposite strokes in the m- and n-humps do not have opposite meanings on first look.)

Click the Play button to listen to the audio

Self-Consciousness vs. Diplomacy.

Self-consciousness is indicated by humps that grow progressively bigger in a stair-step fashion as the letter is written toward the right. Diplomacy is written in lowering stair steps going to the right. How do these relate? Directionally speaking, we know that anything in handwriting that is going to the left is related to the self or to the past. Strokes going to the right represent the future or others.
Self-consciousness is a fear of ridicule by others
Diplomacy is dealing with people so as not to offend them.

            self  <------------------->  others

As you look at these traits, realize that the self-conscious trait slopes down to the left. Diplomacy slopes down to the right. Diplomacy is the awareness of others. Self-consciousness is the OVER awareness of what others might be thinking. Thinking about these traits in this way allows you to understand that they carry essentially the same principle. The direction of the stroke, whether towards ourselves or toward others, is the difference.

Self-conscious people will frequently exhibit shyness in crowds, a reluctance to be in the spotlight, or fear of talking to strangers. Traits such as "pride" and "sensitivity to criticism" will increase the

trait of self-consciousness. It seems heavy doses of alcoholic beverages reduce self-consciousness. (ha.ha.)

This graphic used with permission from the Level 301 Certification Level

Textbook, available only through Handwriting University's Certification program.
Remember that seeing a stroke just once, doesn't make it 100% prevalent in the person's character.

That is why it is a good idea to get lots of writing, before being 100% conclusive.
Someone that has the ability to be diplomatic might never show it if they are impulsive,

sarcastic, angry at women (or men), and over sensitive. These "fears and defenses" overpower
the trait of diplomacy. Michael Jackson's handwriting shows severe fear of ridicule in the M 
humps going uphill

Signature of Michael Jackson, Pop Music Star
Signature of Michael Jackson, Pop Music Star

Read more about Michael Jackson in the original newsletter article
Remember to STACK the traits for the most accurate analysis. If you need help learning to

stack traits, check out the latest Handwriting Analysis Advanced Course, now


Special Handwriting Sample:
Compare your writing to a successful Radio Host
Recently, I was faxed the sample below from a Radio Station on which I was being

interviewed. This guy, Matt, has the most unusual t-bars and y-loops I saw that day. You may recall that the t-bar indicates how high someone's goals tend to be. In Matt's case, the t-bar doesn't even touch the stem. It flies way above the letter t. This indicates a tendency to be a
"dreamer" and "oversell" his ideas.
As if Matt's goals are not in touch with reality. Luckily, Matt also has heavy handwriting (passion),

long t-bars (enthusiasm) and the double cross star stroke on the letter t (persistence)...these traits will

force him to achieve many of the goals other people consider unrealistic.
Also, notice the long lower loops in the y's and g's...this indicates strong physical energy as well as strong sex drive. I guess you could say this guy really believes he could get a date with

Pamela Anderson Lee! Ha. He has diplomacy and a huge sexual appetite.

Matt is a sharp guy, quick minded, and underlines his name (self-reliance) and his entire writing tilts uphill...meaning he's optimistic. I would hire him or bet on him...even though he is a dreamer.
End of Story. Meet other faculty and experts at the 2010 Annual Conference. Tickets on sale now.

Q: What can be told from a person's signature?

A: The signature represents what a person wants the world to see or what he wants to be, an image that may or may not be the same as the inner self. Because a signature contains only a few letters, it does not provide enough information for the analyst to make a complete and accurate evaluation.
Q: My signature is illegible. What does that mean?

A: It means people have a hard time reading your name. Seriously, illegible handwriting can mean a number of things. In general, an illegible signature reveals a desire to be seen but not known, keeping things private. You may want to keep your true identity hidden. It could also mean you are in a hurry. People who continually sign their name all day long often do so in a hurry and, therefore, don't care what their signature looks like. Illegible handwriting in combination with other specific traits may indicate dishonesty, but there are a lot of variables.
Q: Why is my signature different than how I write everything else?
A: Because the signature is a badge to the world. It is a representation of what a person wants the world to see about himself. A signature that is different from the rest of his writing says he does not want to reveal everything about himself. There may be some aspect of his personality that he wants to hide, so he creates a new "person" by creating a signature with a different look.

Handwriting University's Membership Program. Now just $17


"My Handwriting Analysis Course has had the biggest impact on my life... it was the start of a life transformation. My self-esteem, confidence, creativity, and speed of learning have been dramatically strengthened. The results were quick and permanent. Oh, thank you so much for sharing this information. I recommend it to people everywhere I go!"

- Lisa Marie Allen-Bitner

"I am very happy that I made this investment. I look forward to continuing my education with Handwriting University. The experience has been great, and enrolling in this program has been one of the smartest things I have ever done."

- Brenda Boelhower Student, Dayton, NJ


Handwriting University Las Vegas Conference

Enroll Now . Early Bird Tickets get over $300 in Bonus Items and a savings of up to 30%!




Call Maryann Redhead at our home office if you
have any questions about our home study courses
or want to get started. If you are sweet, she might
even offer you three month financing on the Deluxe



P.S. Now is the best time to learn more about handwriting analysis.

Handwriting Analysis shows the Guilty Person - Audio Lesson

Guilt and Self-Castigation in Handwriting

By Bart Baggett
You will hear today a brief explanation of handwritings that reveal guild and sarcasm directed to oneself. In the audio below, you will learn how to identify these traits and be encouraged to change such through grapho-therapy.